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Skymake's Development Blog
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Artemis @Skymake
DevOps with ♥ #Docker #GatsbyJS #Java #Serverless. Member at @Skymake.
Jul 21, 2019 - 3 min read

Welcome Welcome to the development blog for Skymake, a platform with the intended purpose to give users the chance to see something more within themselves and the world around them. The primary medium of expression for achieving this will be through a video game, in order to help the user be immersed in perspectives not readily lent away. It presents the opportunity to ignite a spark of immense growth and learning not through reading or hearing, but through personal experience driven by the user's own actions. In this way the user can really see and act through the actual process original creators have done, letting rather instinctive ideas drive and refine modern skills and techniques forward.

In the past researchers and innovators have taken in hand their own views of the world and reason as well as the perspectives of others; in order to learn more of its many truths and facets. In this process they have taken these viewpoints, twisting and shattering perspectives themselves, to reform such views for whatever unique purpose or problems they were presented with. Each time they have brought incredible advances into the world from these differences both in view points on objects material as well as view points on concepts intangible.

In our world today by and large workers and creators who wield modern tools wear such perspectives like hats, swapping between them as a mastercraftsman takes the correct tools in hand to wield and accomplish the task in front of them.

Within Skymake the primary tools that will give you power, just as in the world that exists around you, are perspectives. You will see through your actions within and without Skymake the power of this art form. To trade perspectives in hand as effectively and efficiently as a master warrior wielding their weapons on the battlefield is not something often directly taught even to those modern workers and technicians standing at the forefront of innovation.

There have been great thinkers who have studied this incredible ability and power in a different form, as mathematicians. They worked and worked over centuries. As the world came together around them; with their unique perspectives on the objects of their sights internal and external, they worked steadily until the day they could see clearly enough the interconnected components between all those perspectives. There was underlying structure within some concepts that recurred again and again, and the relationships between the core structures of drastically distinct concepts were studied.

It was truly arcane, but it will be this exact bit of magic that becomes the fuel for you to bring ideas into life within great projects. Within Skymake one will witness the beauty and importance of being able to work along the duality of light and dark, within the dark of innerworkings, and within minimality of light on the tasks at hand. With minimal knowledge and experience you will navigate dark waters and perform feats of creation just as incredibly as an accomplished dancer who performs as though dragging the whole world around them into a trance. You will accomplish such feats of creation yourself by mastering minimality of perspective, taking in hand only the core of what you need to accomplish each time.

In the medium of Skymake you will experience gaining the slick perspectives to cautiously and carefully craft something beautiful from within the world of dreams and ideas, forging them into something quite real. For it is here that both minimality and maximality meet, where you will use modern tools from the forefront of innovation. Such tools and techniques have been carefully designed to function and build on minimality of perspective, for elsewise human creations of leviathan scale collapse.

In light of that fact, within recent times the emphasis of tooling has been on ease-of-use and ease-of-maintenance, so that workers who practice the art of black-boxes can more quickly create on high demand everything that humans can dream up. This fact has also created the opportunity for you here, to pick yourself up concept by concept and creation by creation until your greatest ideas can be brought into this place.

These tools are offered to you here, the tools of modern decision-making in the form of data-analytic methods, the tools of modern labor in the form of artifical intelligence, and most importantly the tooling in the modern view of perspective and abstraction itself. Within the Skymake platform we only assume the user has experienced the act of learning the tables of multiplication and addition. May your journey begin soon.

const onboard = "hello again world";, helloworld.jsx, helloworld.tsx, hello gatsbyjs and hello aws and hello cloudfare!