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Artemis @Skymake
DevOps with ♥ #Docker #GatsbyJS #Java #Serverless. Member at @Skymake.
Jul 26, 2019 - 1 min read

Problem Solving Walkthroughs


Today we are adding an additional series of educational Walkthroughs through this website. They should be up now and found within the walkthrough tab! We will make efforts to cover several problems among popular texts in mathematics and computer science and break them down to show those new to the field how one might approach solving a problem.

With the way proofs are presented and covered in higher mathematics courses, many university students may get a false impression on how proofs and definitions so cleanly and directly given to them are actually formulated and solved. We hope it provides the context for the problem solving that would normally have to take place when tackling these subjects. By example it should also demonstrate the proper level of detail necessary to be called a reasonable solution for most regular university courses.

The way to approach solutions to problems commonly faced by software developers and computer scientists, and hence those problems commonly seen within tech interviews, are also presented here. Hopefully they provide grounding on the perpsectives you should adopt as a computer scientist and what aspects of the problems should be under consideration.

Ultimately it is our hope that this will assist our blog audience and potential users with grasping the art of managing precise intellectual tools and conceptual viewpoints necessary to make headway into difficult problems.


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